Saturday, March 18, 2006

check in on my brother

hey everybody. my brother isn't doing so hot. he had an appendectomy about two weeks ago and things didn't go so well. he's been in the hospital ICU since. my sister started a blog to keep tabs on his progress. my dad and my brother's girlfriend, corina, update the site, called the budge update, daily. check in on his progress and maybe you could stop being a jerk and write a get-well message in the comments section of his site. thanks everybody.

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sara's house

hey look, sara made a house. this is what happens when you start drinking at 4 in the afternoon, which, evidently, isn't unlikely when the thermometer reaches 70ยบ the first week in march. i personally made it to 2am that night. sara, em and daniel made it much later. when i talked to an old friend of mine the next day she seemed to think it was a matter of course. as if getting wasted on the first warm day is a rite of spring. i thought about it and i recall, however blury the memories, that when it does finally get warm i usually hit a number of bars with my friends. man, drinking is fun!

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