another saturday, another birthday. this time however there were less mustaches and less car bombs but equal parts short-shorts. the afternoon included bread smashing, tandem bikes, and fish corpses. (if you ever get into a fight with a loaf of bread i suggest squeezing it from both ends. otherwise the loaf will continue to rise against your blows like an inflated punching doll.) after we were considerably inebriated russel decided the two of us needed to fight. unfortunately for me my sneakers got the worst of it. unfortunately for him he took a shot to the balls. afterwards i left and returned in said short-shorts. at "zabloski's" the sidewalk was full of scooters and the bar was full of pastel wife-beaters. i left the bar after several toasts to daniel and one ill-advised marlboro red. i made my way over to "union pool" and proceded to get myself thrown out. walking home, i stopped at "royal oak" and hit the dance floor. on the parquet i met a PYT and we danced the night away. together she and i staggered home through drunk bums in the park and drunk pols in the streets. once we arrived at the "gentlemen's lounge" i put on t. rex's self-titled release and proceded to "get it on." halfway through the album "the slider" starts and i realize, "i'm fucking to t. rex!" a dream has been fulfilled. when i woke up last sunday i thought i just had the best saturday ever. seven days later i was thinkin' the same thing. look out saturday, here i come.
Sometimes your life makes me giggle.
i must admit "raw ramp" would have been a better song. or perhaps "mambo sun." though "the slider" was pretty nice. whatever, t. rex + bonin' = good times.
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