dice and ice

on sunday adrianne and i went to the park for a little picnic. we had a beautiful day laying out in the sun, drinking lemonade, playing kissy-face. later, everyone joined us for more sun and to throw a frisbee. hey, it's the sheep meadow. they all but hand you a frisbee on the way in.
finally on monday, to honor the troops, andy held a barbecue in his back yard. in this case a back yard consists of a patio, some picnic tables, and a fake cactus. ed brought a grab-bag of meet. everyone else filled in the gaps. by gaps i mean vegetables and beer. man can't live on beef alone, otherwise this happens. beside causing ourselves gastrointestinal stress, there was also some entertainment. for those of us with any money left in our pockets by that point in the weekend, there was some dice to be thrown. along with it came some delightful frozen treats. perfect to enjoy in the first evening shower of the summer. it was a fantastic way to finish off the weekend.
cheers to everyone on a well executed weekend. and apologies to mark and sara for giving deuce all that people food. i'm sure he lived up to his name that night...sorry.
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