this marks the first anniversary of my blog. hooray! this time last year i was writing a
post about preparing for mark's (s. gary's) birthday celebration. well another year has passed and it is time for another birthday bash in his honor. this year's party started at the water taxi beach in long island city which is basically a ton of imported sand spread out on the banks of the east river. the beach features a $2 shaefer special which everyone at the party was taking advantage of, including the out-of-town guests of honor, mr. and mrs. big mark.
after suffering through the 90 degree heat long enough i returned home to meet adrianne. we went out to dinner then met everyone at east river bar for act two of the nights festivities. as usual there were drinks downed, pictures taken and fights avoided. luckily i was able to miss act three at the levee where i hear everyone finally dropped off the ledge of reasonable drunk behavior.
bon anniversaire!
Labels: costumes, cronies, parties, thumbs up
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