one thing i've noticed since i bought a pair of white bucs a few years ago is that people inevitably make pee-wee herman comparisons. the only similarity is the color of the shoes. if you recall he had these wood soled platform monstrosities. because of this i usually react with a complimentary grin and a few steps from the "tequila" dance number from "pee-wee's big adventure." i don't know if this was planned or if the dj played a cruel joke but the song started only a few minutes after the dance floor opened at the wedding i attended this past weekend. i obligingly started the dance only to notice that the few people on the floor were quickly clearing out. being that i was a "couple" drinks into the evening and love having a dance floor and audience to myself, i continued to perform the two steps involved in the dance. i quickly realized, however, that the dj had no intention of cutting the song short. at this point i knew this was going to get boring for me and everyone else in a hurry if i had to continue the repetitive dance alone for the four-minute entirety of the song. mercifully i persuaded my friend dan out on to the floor. once he got out there we quickly got in synch with each other. it wasn't long before we started performing variations on the step, trying to trip each other up. from there it just turned into nonsense. just look how much fun we're having. thank you, dan. you can be my cowboy curtis anytime.
Dude, you can't go all the way across the country, promote your blog, then stop blogging altogether. I demand a new post.
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