drinking coffee after a late supper is a bad idea. drinking unintentionally strong coffee is even worse. that's what i did last night. now i'm paying the price. if you'll notice the time of this post, around 4am, it's rather late. i thought i could avoid this problem. i had plenty to eat before hand, i did the new york magazine crossword and i read some online news. i even read boring articles about the new iraqi constitution compromise and cathartic blogging. i turned in around 2:30, shut my eyes but nothing happened. when i tried the eye lid test and my eyes stayed open i knew i was not falling asleep. the eye lid test basically involves placing your eye lids in the desired position, closed if you want to sleep, open if you want to wake, and seeing if they stay put. if you want to sleep and your eye lids gradually open you're awake, and vice versa. so now i'm awake and left to toil through cyberspace searching for the name of the shoes the fab five wore (nike air force max b) and the difference between rickeys and gimlets (the former has soda, the latter has sugar). oh, and of course to pawn my boredom onto my readers. good night and sweet dreams...i hope.
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