philadelphia story

unlike cary grant, however, i didn't get the lady at the end of the night.
i had the pleasure of partying with the cutest girl in the room. we talked about movies, danced on ottomans and watched a fight break out. and the best part was she lives in manhattan. i might have a chance of seeing her again, which, as my readers know, is in contrast to my recent romantic escapades. all of this began to feel a little suspect. and i was right. she has a "boyfriend." what a disappointment.
there have been other grant impersonators in the past and they too got the girl before the lights came up. so maybe this isn't the end of the film, but simply the intermission.
Cary Grant = Dude-hugger.
I assume by "cutest girl in the room" you are automatically disqualifying the two beautiful blondes who live on the premises by virtue of former cohabitation? ;-)
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